Term Dates

Please find below a comprehensive list of the Nursery dates for the current year. If you have further questions please ask a member of the team. If any dates change, you will be advised via our monthly newsletter or email. Please don’t forget to fill in a Holiday form if you are taking your child out during term time. You can find a holiday form with the registration documents or ask in the Nursery.

TermDatesTeaching Days
Autumn 2024Tuesday 27 August to Friday 18 October39
Half-term Monday 21 October to Friday 25 November 
Monday 4 November to Friday 20 December35
 Christmas Break 
Spring 2025Monday 6 January to Friday 14th February30
Half Term Monday 17 February to Friday 28 February 
Monday 24th February to Friday 4 April30
 (Good Friday 18 April, Easter Monday 21 April) 
Summer 2025Tuesday 22 April to Friday 23 May                      (Bank Holiday 5 May)23
Half Term Monday 26 May to Friday 30 May 
Monday 2 June to Wednesday 23 July38
  Total 195