
The settings overall aim is to link the requirement of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Healthy Early Years London (HEYL) to achieve the welfare requirements for food, drink and nutrition.  On a daily basis we promote health and well-being for all the children attending the setting, by providing food and drink that meets their nutritional requirements and encouraging them to eat an interesting and varied diet. We have an onsite chef dedicated to meeting all nutritional requirement, as well as any individual needs such as Allergens or religious requirements. Each day displayed in the Lobby is our Menu board displaying each given meal and attached is an Allergens recipe card with all potential Allergens ticked for the day.

Kimberly Dale (Kim) (Chef) has completed her Food Hygiene and Safety Level 2 , Providing a Healthy Food Environment in the Early Years Setting and Infection Prevention and Control in an Early Years Setting.

We have developed a four week rotating Menu, One used for the Autumn/Winter Term and the other one for the Spring/Summer Term. Please find below the Menu’s. You can also find the four week Menu’s displayed on a clipboard on the Parents Board.

Summer MenuSummer Menu (2)