Registration Forms

As we are both a Nursery and a Pre-school we offer flexible hours throughout the day. For Nursery children we are available from 8am till 6pm. Pre-school children can attend from 9:15am till 12:15pm, with a lunch time club option till 1:45pm or an extend session finishing at 4:15pm. We endeavor to accommodate where possible. Please note that funding is available during the morning and afternoon sessions but not for lunch club sessions.

Children can begin with us from two years of age untill school ready. Funding is available to those eligible including two year funding and three & four year old funding .  30 Hours Funding is available, however, there are some limitations, and cannot be used to cover children attending less than 4 days.

Please find below all the relevant documents needed to enroll your child, simply download and complete all listed below. Once completed hand or mail into the Nursery.

please provide us with Proof of address, Identification and a copy of your child’s original birth certificate, these to be handed to the nursery for verification and copying.

We adhere strictly to the GDPR regulations and you can request at any time the information we hold on you or your child.

registration documentation index

Early years prospectus 2024

registration form Sept 2025-1

Terms and conditions

Health and declaration form

Individual chldrens Health Plan and risk assesment

PHE_Complete Immunisation Schedule

Getting to know me

EYFS development matters parents pack

Sharing info childs needs with outside agencies

Gdpr sign of sheet

Passport sign off gdpr form

Bromley funding ParentContract-7

Nursery contract

Dietary Requirement information

Other useful Forms

Holiday Form Template